Buying a home may be the biggest investment you will make, and choosing the right inspector can be a challenging task. Remember that the purpose of an inspection is to inform and educate you about the condition of the house before you make a financial commitment that could be life-changing.

You can trust your AHI home inspector to have an allegience to you alone. AHI home inspectors will not pay fees to realtors or hide conflicts of interest that could affect their clients in any way. Futhermore, in order to apply for membership, AHI home inspectors are required to have already completed education or experience requirements prior to being accepted.

AHI is about knowledge, ethics, and trust. AHI home inspectors will perform a knowledgable analysis of the home's major systems using national standards of practice that will provide vital information you need to know before you buy. Your interests will always come first and your AHI home inspector will not provide the home inspection report to other parties without your permission except for those authorized as part of the transaction.

Below are some excellent resources for consumers:

Real Estate and Financial Sites
Fannie Mae Mortgage Information Site
HomePath An FHA Information Guide
NAR National Association of Realtors
NFCC National Foundation for Consumer Credit

Home Improvement Sites
Home Tips Home Improvement
NKBA National Kitchens And Bath Association
This Old House Home Owner and Remodeling Tips
The House Detective - unbiased, objective advice by expert inspector Barry Stone

Consumer Safety Sites
EPA Lead Information
EPA Radon Information
EPA Carbon Monoxide
Aluminum Wiring Hazards An innovative, international law enforcement fraud-fighting program.
Consumer Product Safety Commission Help keep your family safe by checking product recalls and safety news from CPSC.